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Radiological Hazards


  • Stay calm.
  • Familiarize with instructions/ operational procedures being broadcast/telecast by the designated authorities.
  • Familiarize with community shelters in your locality.
  • Store in adequate number of candles and battery lights.
  • Keep battery operated miniature transistor /TV sets in the house.
  • Remove stocks of flammable items,if any.
  • Drop to ground, if you are in an open area, and remain in lying position for a short while.
  • Protect eyes with palms and ears by fingers or thumbs to prevent ear drum rupture.
  • Protect your body parts from radiation burns and direct contamination by covering with cloth.
  • Remain indoors to save yourself from radiation.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a wet piece of cloth. Still better, if you can put a face mask. It will prevent radioactive dust being inhaled.
  • Turn off heating, cooling and ventilation systems.
  • Switch on radio/TV and follow official instructions, if any.
  • Prepare an Emergency Kit that has your identity card, a torch, extra batteries, portable radio, bottled water, dry food items, baby food and essential medicines.
  • Be alert to any symptoms (nausea,vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, fatigue, etc.), and get help if you think you are suffering from acute or chronic radiation exposure.
  • Take bath and change clothes to decontaminate yourself.
  • Put off fires before they spread.
  • Evacuate the area, if advised, move to a temporary shelter.
  • Do not panic.
  • Do not believe in rumours and don’t spread rumours.
  • Do not consume uncovered food/drinks/water/beverages, etc.
  • Do not move out of house unless instructed by the authorities.
  • Do not smoke and avoid eating or drinking in the contaminated area.
  • Do not permit contaminated persons in house unless decontaminated.
  • Do not walk barefoot or in open slippers.
  • Do not kneel, lie or sit on the ground.
  • Do not disobey instructions of the District or Civil defence authorities, who will be doing their best to ensure your safety, and also that of your family and community as a whole, besides ensuring safety of the property, infrastructure and environment.